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Hiking in New Jersey

About Us

In 2021, a group of 30 college ministers from the Acts2 Network moved from California to New York with the vision of planting an Acts 2 community for college students in NYC. 

We want college students everywhere to experience what we experienced in college. Many of us weren't Christians growing up but became convinced Christianity is true in college. Others grew up religious, but didn't find God or the Bible relevant until we were college students. But all of us encountered God personally and were transformed as we experienced life as He intended - closely connected to him and to others.

Being in college - that season of life when you're figuring out who you are and what you're doing with your life - was a key part of our spiritual journey. And we hope it will be for yours, too!

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spring break campfire

Meet Our Leads

Tim and Lydia served in churches at Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Seattle before moving out to New York to start a church in Stony Brook. Now they lead our NYC church, bringing the Gospel to the next generation of college students in the big apple!

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Meet the Mentors

We are a tight-knit community living on mission together, working day jobs while also investing serious time and energy into frontline gospel work. Our friendships were forged in college by learning about God and sharing in life's burdens together, and we want the next generation of students to have the same experience!

If you see one of us, don't forget to say hello :)

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